Monday, January 11, 2010

The Definition of Influence

This is pretty random (actually extremely random and probably entirely uninteresting to everyone except me) but I thought I would just pass on this observation. For my honors project, I have been reading a few papers by the evolutionary biologist Joe Felsenstein at the University of Washington. I knew he was a genius and was very influential in the field but I didn't realize just how influential. Out of curiosity, I ran a citation report on Web of Science.

Total number of papers which site him: 33,136

Most cited paper: Felsenstein 1985 with 14,191 citations (1985 was a particular good year; he had a second paper which has been cited a very respectable 3,065 times)

I am thinking that outside of Darwin, he is probably the most cited researcher in the life sciences.
Others who come close: Francis Crick (21, 619), James Watson (14, 984), Motoo Kimura.

Something to aim for.

1 comment:

  1. so, are you hoping to work for this guy? because that would be pretty cool!
